🍂 Autumn Island is set in a fictional version of mid-1800s England, where both humans and cats had abandoned the land long ago, only to begin to return in recent history. Humans are beginning to spread across the island from the coast, bringing agriculture, mining, hunting, and more for the Clans to endure. On top of that, Clan relationships and conflicts are bound to arise, and outsiders are always looking to cause trouble. Your actions will help shape the fate of our world!

*[ While a basic understanding of our world is needed, you can still enjoy playing without knowing the lore too in-depth. If you are interested however, make sure to check out [World History](<https://midi-effect-d09.notion.site/World-History-28ac4eaa2375409b817d5232b5bc44c0>) ! ]*

World History

Religion & Culture

Meet the Clans

Other Regions

Character Database

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The Island - click for fullsize!

The Island - click for fullsize!