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At first, only a few explorers arrived on the Island, eager to exploit its secrets. But as their ships left with valuables and tales of rich resources, more twolegs came, and even brought their own kittypets. Now, the camp houses more twolegs than cats in all the clans combined. The different Twolegs can have wildly different temperaments; some can be friendly and giving, others are known only for their meanness or worse. There's plenty to see, hear, and smell, and for the brave cat there are many opportunities to find food, shelter, and sometimes rare treasures.

At first, only a few explorers arrived on the Island, eager to exploit its secrets. But as their ships left with valuables and tales of rich resources, more twolegs came, and even brought their own kittypets. Now, the camp houses more twolegs than cats in all the clans combined. The different Twolegs can have wildly different temperaments; some can be friendly and giving, others are known only for their meanness or worse. There's plenty to see, hear, and smell, and for the brave cat there are many opportunities to find food, shelter, and sometimes rare treasures.

Twoleg Gathering Place

[ The Twoleg gathering place is an explosion of colors, tastes, and smells. Fruits and vegetables from near and far, meats and seafood, cheeses and pies. It is a treasure trove of food, drink, and sundries. A bold warrior can steal a morsel to eat, and a friendly cat could steal the attention of a friendly Twoleg for treats and strokes. ]

[ The Twoleg gathering place is an explosion of colors, tastes, and smells. Fruits and vegetables from near and far, meats and seafood, cheeses and pies. It is a treasure trove of food, drink, and sundries. A bold warrior can steal a morsel to eat, and a friendly cat could steal the attention of a friendly Twoleg for treats and strokes. ]

Water Hole

[ In the middle of the old clearing stands an ancient well. Once the center of town, the well is now much less used, but no less dangerous. The steep sides extend deep down into the darkness of the earth. Any cat which decided to try their luck would certainly not reappear from the wells edge.  ]

[ In the middle of the old clearing stands an ancient well. Once the center of town, the well is now much less used, but no less dangerous. The steep sides extend deep down into the darkness of the earth. Any cat which decided to try their luck would certainly not reappear from the wells edge. ]

Animal Nests

[ A large, well-kept barn and horse corral are nestled against the west wall of town. Large, strong horses are bred, trained and sold here, and twoleg dogs are often on patrol. This is a risky place to hunt, but the odd mouse can be found around the fields, and the barn can make a comfortable place for a cat-nap for the brave or tired traveler. ]

[ A large, well-kept barn and horse corral are nestled against the west wall of town. Large, strong horses are bred, trained and sold here, and twoleg dogs are often on patrol. This is a risky place to hunt, but the odd mouse can be found around the fields, and the barn can make a comfortable place for a cat-nap for the brave or tired traveler. ]

The Windflowers

[ Upon the slight hills nearby where the wind is the strongest, is a large windmill. In comparison to the rest of the bustling twolegplace, it is quiet and peaceful. A pair of elderly twolegs nest nearby with their hound, a large dog that doesn’t seem interested in catching the things it chases. ]

[ Upon the slight hills nearby where the wind is the strongest, is a large windmill. In comparison to the rest of the bustling twolegplace, it is quiet and peaceful. A pair of elderly twolegs nest nearby with their hound, a large dog that doesn’t seem interested in catching the things it chases. ]

Water Monster Place

[ At the far end of the Twolegplace deep within the old walls which mark the original trading post, are the docks. Large monsters come and go on a regular schedule, staying for a couple of weeks as they transfer valuables and deliver supplies. The town fishermen sell their wares daily on the docks, a wide variety of delicious fresh fish and seafood from the pristine waters which surround the island. The Twolegs here don't tend to mind feline visitors, and sellers are usually happy to toss a fish to a hungry cat. When the fish are off display, the storehouse can be a good place to find a plump mouse, and the docks can offer many a rat - especially when a water monster is in port. ]

[ At the far end of the Twolegplace deep within the old walls which mark the original trading post, are the docks. Large monsters come and go on a regular schedule, staying for a couple of weeks as they transfer valuables and deliver supplies. The town fishermen sell their wares daily on the docks, a wide variety of delicious fresh fish and seafood from the pristine waters which surround the island. The Twolegs here don't tend to mind feline visitors, and sellers are usually happy to toss a fish to a hungry cat. When the fish are off display, the storehouse can be a good place to find a plump mouse, and the docks can offer many a rat - especially when a water monster is in port. ]